Monday, March 30, 2015

How to Apply Grip Tape to a Skateboard

It is not difficult to apply grip tape to a skateboard. By following these seven simple steps you will learn how to attach a length of grip tape yourself and create a safe friction surface on the deck of your board within a few minutes!

1. Buy a pre-cut length of grip tape, or cut a length of grip tape from a roll or sheet. Check that the piece of grip tape is long enough to completely cover the tail and nose of your board.

2. Remove any old black grip tape on the skateboard deck. If you warm the old skate board grip tape with a hairdryer or heat gun for a minute or two it should peel off easily.

3. Prepare the deck surface of the skateboard by wiping with a cloth dampened with methylated spirit so that it is free of dust and sticky residue.

4. Remove the backing paper from the skateboard grip tape and discard it.

5. Carefully lay the grip tape for skateboards, adhesive side down, lengthwise over the skateboard so that the ends of the tape are just touching the nose and tail of the board. This makes sure that the tape is correctly positioned so that it completely covers the deck when you make the next critical step – sticking the grip tape to the board.

6. This is the most important step. Start sticking the grip tape to the skateboard from the middle of the deck. First gradually smooth it out lengthwise towards each end of the deck, then across the deck so that the edges of the board are covered.

7. When sticking the tape to the board, take care not to trap bubbles of air between the deck and the grip tape. If you find an air bubble, use a sharp instrument like a sewing needle to pierce the tape then press the air out of the bubble and smooth the tape. Carefully trim any excess grip tape using a razor blade of box cutter.

Now that your skateboard has a new friction surface, providing you with safe contact between your feet and the deck of the board, you are ready to start skating.

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