Saturday, September 5, 2015

Ping Pong Rules

1. Choose who serves first

When you are deciding who will serve first, you can do it one of two ways.  You can decide it by the winner of a volley, or you can toss a coin.  Either way is acceptable to determine the person who serves.

2. Singles and doubles matches

When you are playing one on one, your serve can hit anywhere on your opponents side of the table to count. If you are playing doubles, you must hit your serve diagonally to your opponent.

3. Paddle rules and regulations

Make certain that your ping pong paddle is the proper size, weight, and shape for ping pong. This way none of the players has an advantage over the other ones.

4. Serving the ball

When a player serves, the serve must touch the server's paddle and the server's court before touching the opponent's court.

5. How a 'net' becomes a let

If a server hits the net on their serve, but the ping pong ball lands on their opponent's side, neither the server nor the opponent score a point.  This is called a let ball and the serve is taken over again.

6. Changing serves

Once a player has served five times, the serve changes to the opponent.

7. Net balls

If the ball hits the net during regular play and falls into an opponent's territory, the shot is a good one.

Points are awarded when: 

1. A server's serve fails to does not make it to their opponent's side.

2. Both players cannot return the ball

3. When a ball is hit before it hits the playing field on your side.

4. If a ball bounces more than once on a player's playing court before they are able to return it.

5. If a player hits the ball more than once before sending it over to their opponent.

6. Touching the net by either player

7. Touching the table with a free hand by either player

8. Moving the playing surface during game play, even if it's by accident, scores a point for opposite side.

Finishing a game

Players play to either eleven or twenty one points, and the players switch sides every game.  Winner can be declared in a three out of five match, or in a four out of seven match.

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