Sunday, September 6, 2015

Guide to Table Tennis Rackets

A table tennis paddle is also called a racket, and there are different models of rackets built for recreation and higher skilled players.

Recreational tennis rackets are usually made of a combination of wood and rubber that is significantly lower in speed and spin-producing capability than higher performance paddles.

The higher skilled tennis rackets are made of specialized, high performance rubber covering the wooden blade. This paddle will allow you to play with more speed and spin than recreational paddles. Custom paddles can be purchased by selecting specific specialized wood (or wood/graphite), along with high performance rubber. Users of this type of tennis paddle hold an advantage against opponents playing with recreational paddles.

A recreational paddle comes with the rubber sheets and wood blade already glued together. This style of paddle is suitable for good to moderately skilled players, but isn't comparable to a high performance tennis paddle. Table tennis is the only racket sport that allows different surfaces on each side of the paddle, with over 300 different types of surfaces to pick from.

The most serious table tennis players order the blade separately from the rubber and change the rubber after about 50 hours of play. High performance tennis racket models allow you to do this. The rubber sheets usually range from 1.0 to 2.5-millemeters in thickness, and are designed for various styles of play (defensive, attack etc.) to allow you to put different types of spin (dead spin, topspin etc.) on the ball.

When the ball hits the rubber coating it causes the underlying sponge to compress to an optimum point. This creates extra grip on the ball and results in greater spin. When the sponge compresses it creates a rebound force which shoots the ball off the racket with optimum speed and spin.

The blades of tennis paddles are made of thin layers (plies) of wood and some of them even incorporate carbon or titanium in them, even though the rules state that 85 per cent of the blade must consist of wood. The type of wood used in the table tennis racket blade determines the overall amount of speed and spin the blade will help to manufacture, along with the rubber and sapping. It will also determine the feel of the paddle.

When choosing a table tennis paddle, you need to make sure you are comfortable with the paddle handle (a very personal choice). The types of handles are: straight, flared, concave or anatomic. Penholders usually choose from Chinese or Japanese styles. Make sure the tennis paddle handle fits comfortably and balanced in your hand.
Tennis table paddles come in various shapes and sizes and usually weigh between 75 and 150-grams.

Top of the line paddles cost approximately $75 to $200, and moderate paddles cost between $30 and $75. There are also children's tennis table paddles, some of which are made of plastic and can be bought for as little as $5.

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