Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Wrist Flick in Table Tennis

Even if the ball is flicked by the wrist, it will be more powerful to hit the ping-pong, and when used to spin the ball will make the ball spin more. But the wrist flick will reduce accuracy. Therefore, do not use the wrist flick to hit the forearm, especially the slap ball, which has been driven by the arm swing and weight loss already.

To use the force of the wrist flick to be fully effective. We need to flick the wrist in the lower arm as soon as possible to get the reinforcement forward. If the wrist flick wrong. The centrifugal force of the arm is reduced to the strength of the wrist, rather than the force of the arm. The ping pong should be practiced with a flick of the wrist. Do not train your wrist until you can hit the ball precisely. Bouncing or tapping on the table requires a force to wring.

How to practice correct wrist flick. Do not tense wrist or wrist before it will cause the arm to slow down. The wrist is loose. I swing my arm into the beat. The wrist is the force of the arm pushed back to start compressing the wrist. When the force in the rhythm of the arm. The comfortable release of the wrist is the force of the lower arm, causing the hand to swing forward. Use this stroke to wring the wrist.

The use of a wrist to help hit every ping pong is a common misconception. Especially the new ping pong who like to imitate the ping-pong champ by YouTube video. Some people misunderstand, wrist flexion, hanging down forever. Caused by wrist or crooked wrist injury in the long run. Do not hold the wrist bent and the following image will not be able to use the force of the wrist flicker because of the lack of wrist strength.

The right handle When the ping pong is in the hand, the forearm must be raised higher than the wrist, keeping the line of the hand and lower arm in line. As shown below, the wrist is bent backwards by the swing of the arm, compressing backward, and bending forward as the arm swings forward. The line of the hand and the arm have to be aligned in the same way that the ball hits the ball so it can control the direction of the hit accurately.

The crankcase will be full of muscle when not wriggling, and do not hold tight at all times. The image that he was hanging his wrists down came from a natural drop. Do not contract or intend to bend the wrist. The wood is hurled up, it will flick the wrist up and tighten the wood in the stroke of the wood.

Using the wrist will reduce the accuracy of the ball. The ping-pong is not accurate. Avoid the wrist. In particular, the first strike training. Should not exercise the wrist until it can swing the upper arm and the lower part.

If the wrist is still lacking, the muscles can not exhale. Do not use the wrist with a strong and fast delivery. Because it is difficult to control the direction of the forearm in the wrist and the impact of the ball may be so strong that the wrists.

New ping-pong likes to wear a wrist brace to set the ball. Do not move the body Or move to hit the ball properly. I like to stretch my arms and bending the ball. The ball hit out a short one left out the right to go.

Since the hit of the forehand is very fast and because it can be taken from the legs, arms and arms fully. The use of a wrist to hit the forehand is a little useful in terms of increased rotation of the wrist spin to spin the ball up a little. Or use the wrist to deceive the direction to hit the ball away.

Two types of wrist flick to hit the ball.
  • Wrap the wrist in the direction of the face. The strength of the strike.
  • Wipe the wrist according to the direction of the side edge of the ping pong. The spin in the spin.
Even the wrist flick is an important part in the use of ping pong. But using the wrists to beat the timing is more important. Sometimes the wrist may flicker before the ball hits the wood to hit the ball that is less spin. Sometimes the wrist may be fluttered in the stroke of the ball to relieve the force of the arm swing.

To use the wrist. Should not hold tight, not too loose. Practice wrist force increase or reduce the force of contraction.