Thursday, May 21, 2015

Resistance Bands - An Essential Exercise Equipment For Your Health

Can’t resist these bands.

There are a ton of options when it comes to purchasing exercise equipment, but I have yet to find a better purchase than getting a nice set of the best resistance bands. There is always a lot of hype about new equipment in the market place, but bands are still, in my opinion, one of the best investments you can make. Not only can bands be used as a stepping stone for beginners, but they can also be used by fitness pros to stay in shape on the go.

Simplicity is the Key

People like simplicity when using a piece of exercise equipment, because, lets face it, most of us are easily intimidated by things that look like you need a manual to figure out. Bands are great for beginners, I mean it is a piece of stretchy rope with two hand grips – no matter your fitness level, all you need to do is a little research for types of exercises and proper technique to get good use out of them.    A good choice for resistance bands are rubberbanditz which comes from a U.S. based company located in Durham, NC.

Types of workouts is another huge plus for these bands. The main reason being, they can do just about everything dumbbells can do and more. For instance, let’s say your working on your back and shoulders and you want to switch from military style press to lat pull down (push-pull method), this would be impossible with dumbbells alone, but with workout bands and some creativity, you are able to perform both exercises. Another stellar selling point is that bands can work out every part of your body, again, you just need to read-up on how. These bands can do the work of an ab machine, dumbbells and a squat rack.

Don’t get me wrong dumbbells and machines can take workouts to the the next level and are great in a proper gym, but what if you are on the move? What if the hotel your staying at in Nowhere, Nebraska doesn’t have a place to workout?

That’s when these bands really come in handy.

Characteristic of Resistance Bands

They are light weight, very durable, and take up almost no space. They are also adjustable in resistance depending on the tension you put on the band. Best part is that you don’t have to carry around multiple pieces of equipment.

Resistance bands also come with different levels of resistance (based on length and thickness) and depending on what you want to do with them, it might be wise to get a few different bands with different tensions to add variety and make for a more challenging workout.

That being said pull up bands are for everyone. From beginners who just want to tone, to die-hard fitness fanatics away from their gym, these bands are a great low-cost and low-hassle way to tighten and tone.